Dr. Md. Matiur RahmanWe know that TMSS is one of the largest developmental organizations in Bangladesh which has been working among the rural people about 30 years. From the practical knowledge through long journey the organization thinks that without the sound health, how it can be possible for a person to work attentively in various levels? To materialize this theme, TMSS has established its Health Sector and several educational institutions to provide health services as well as to expand medical education. It is found that health remains an integral component of TMSS’s development intervention since its inception in 1980. Gradually, the organization has taken necessary steps to improving the health of the poor and hardcore poor people, especially the women and children in remote rural areas and promoting the capacity of the rural community to deal with health problems.

TMSS Health Sector (THS) is at present a large and expanding sector which has been implementing several new programs and projects. Therefore, it is badly needed to develop a modern and time-demand website on highlighting its present work volume and gradual expansion. Based on such TMSS Health Sector has developed a comprehensive website to disseminate the information at this modern world so that the well-wishers and other interested persons could see necessary information about health services and medical education through this website. I think that more opportunities have been come for the employees as well as for other people by opening this website. At the same time, a new dimension as well as a good opportunity has been opened for the health sector and the concerned sectors to disseminate information through the website.

I believe and expect that regular and updated information would be maintained through this website and if it is ensured, no doubt, it would be a good opportunity for all to know about THS at large. It is noted that we have given our best efforts to make it a standard and smooth service. The information, however, may be updated by the authority from time to time for providing the latest and updated information on highlighting health sector as well.

I do express my thanks to all of them who have given their valuable comments and efforts for making it a meaning and satisfactory one.

Rtn. Dr. Md. Matiur Rahman
Deputy Executive Director-2, TMSS